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15% ethanol is bad for older engines

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Sep 5, 2009, 10:19 AM

Post #1 of 3 (2165 views)
post icon 15% ethanol is bad for older engines Sign In

im been hearing about how our governments whant to add an aditional 5% ethanol to our regular gas for a total of 15%
ethanol well are engines are already maxed out to run 10%

ethanol the additional 5% will just make older engines run
exa: corrode injectores,lines,fuel pumps,solenoids
older engines dont like more ethanol!

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 5, 2009, 10:53 AM

Post #2 of 3 (2159 views)
Re: 15% ethanol is bad for older engines Sign In

This isn's something that the government is trying to do. It's the secretaries of agricults from the midwest states asking for it to help the farmers that grow the corn. It appears to be just a request at this point

Here is the complete letter

The full text of the Midwest Secretaries of Agriculture letter to President Obama follows here:
March 6, 2009
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to thank you for your strong support of renewable energy and respectfully request your continued leadership on this issue by encouraging the acceptance of ethanol blends beyond the current regulatory cap of 10 percent.
For more than 30 years, ethanol has had a positive impact on our economy. Clean, affordable, domestically produced ethanol has enhanced America’s economy through job growth, increased domestic production and a larger tax base. In 2007 alone, the ethanol industry created more than 200,000 American jobs that cannot be exported or outsourced, while contributing $47.6 billion to our GDP and generating $4.6 billion in tax revenues.
Ethanol has environmental benefits as well. In addition to being completely biodegradable, ethanol has been shown to dramatically reduce tailpipe emissions. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 13 trillion tons of greenhouse gases were avoided in 2007 due to the use of biofuels. Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln recently announced that ethanol produced from corn can reduce GHG emissions by as much as 62 percent relative to gasoline. As we expand cellulosic ethanol production in the coming years, even greater GHG reductions will be realized.
The EPA’s longstanding decision to limit the base blend of ethanol to 10 percent was based on 1970s science, antiquated fuel systems designs, and outdated technology. Conversely, countries like Brazil have successfully utilized blends between E20 and E100 for decades. The EPA implemented the E10 blend limit at a time when ethanol production capacity and conversion efficiency was a fraction of what it is today. In the 21st century, ethanol offers a sustainable solution to our country’s energy needs, while reducing our dependency on foreign oil and addressing the serious challenge of global climate change.
The federal government embraced this concept through passage of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which among other things, mandated 36 billion gallons of ethanol be blended into our domestic fuel supply by 2022. However, the current EPA regulatory cap of 10 percent ethanol hinders that opportunity. Simply put, there is a government rule contradicting a government law. Now is the time to move forward by increasing the base fuel blend to 15 or 20 percent ethanol.
As you know, the American ethanol industry is under considerable financial stress. Much of this pressure stems from the fact that ethanol, unlike oil, is held to less than 10 percent of the market. By moving beyond the 10 percent cap, we can improve domestic investment, stimulate our economy with green jobs, and enable our country to comply with the existing Renewable Fuels Standard.
Timing is critical. American ethanol production has nearly reached 10 percent saturation. We must move to a base blend of 15 or 20 percent in 2009 in order to continue growing this vital industry. By working together to promote domestic production and improve market access, we can continue to deliver a clean, renewable fuel that has a positive impact on our domestic economy.
Thank you for your leadership and support.

Bill Even
South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture

Roger Johnson
North Dakota Commissioner of Agriculture

Adrian Polansky
Kansas Secretary of Agriculture

Bill Northey
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture

Gene Hugoson
Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture

Don Koivisto
Michigan Director of Agriculture

Ron de Yong
Montana Director of Agriculture

Robert Boggs
Ohio Director of Agriculture

Greg Ibach
Nebraska Director of Agriculture

Rod Nilsestuen
Wisconsin Secretary of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection


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(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Sep 5, 2009, 10:58 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 6, 2009, 4:19 AM

Post #3 of 3 (2150 views)
Re: 15% ethanol is bad for older engines Sign In

Nice find Hammer!

It was my understanding that Ethanol is or was subsidized by as much as a buck a gallon with Gov't funds! I also have been told it takes more energy to make it than it can produce with current technology.

This is so messed up with politics and greed it's too much for my blood!



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