1997 plymoth breeze engine trouble
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Feb 12, 2007, 6:42 PM
Post #1 of 1
1997 plymoth breeze engine trouble
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I am having trouble with my 1997 breeze. The cars check engine light came on about one week ago. The engine started idling rough but would run fine during acceleration. This morning it started then died all together. It tries to turn over but will not start. The battery is the original 1997. Thought it could be that. I also read the engine codes and it is telling me code 12, 33, 54, 55. 33 says it's in the air conditioning system but I disconnected it some time ago. The other says it's no signal from the cam sensor to the pcm. I am really in need of help!! Any suggestions what to do. I did notice the plug to the sensor had oil on it but i cleaned it and it's still giving me the same code and the car will not start. HELP!!
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