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Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester

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Aug 3, 2010, 7:46 AM

Post #1 of 8 (7091 views)
Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

Hello thinking of buying a Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester .
Sheffield Oxygen Sensor Tester Simulator $116.00 & Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester OBD71 $198.00.
haven't used any of these kinda tester so asking if any body know anything about these and how they work are they worth buying .U know how that goes if they did everything thing u read about the product they would be awesome save lot of time .Any info would be great thanks

(This post was edited by magic2756 on Aug 3, 2010, 9:32 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Aug 3, 2010, 9:07 AM

Post #2 of 8 (7087 views)
Re: Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

I tend to worry about Ebay and others like it. No matter if someone has a link to find just what you want it should be sent to you by the PM "private mail" system as in general we don't allow links.

Good luck in your persuit. It would be cool to have such a thing for testing sensors too many are good and get tossed IMO,



Aug 3, 2010, 9:35 AM

Post #3 of 8 (7078 views)
Re: Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

Hey thanks for the reply If you read about the sensor simlulater & tester they sound like they would be good to have . Just a thought also removed where I seen them witch u would do the same never thought about when put up the thread thanks again

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Aug 3, 2010, 10:00 AM

Post #4 of 8 (7074 views)
Re: Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

There are spelled out ways to test them with mulitmeters and the like. Each would likely have its own values to be correct. I have tested tons of sensors for temperature the plain old boiling water and watch ohms change at what temp.

Amazingly most tested perfect! A pain to go thru that but ruled it out.

Rust is a problem here with O2 sensors - especially the wiring to them right where it goes in. I can't fake some repair for the rust where wires break off on those so far for those.

Would be great to have a machine/tool to know quickly if one was bad or not.

Hope someone here comes by with more thougts about this,


Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Aug 3, 2010, 8:02 PM

Post #5 of 8 (7061 views)
Re: Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

A decent sensor simulator is great diagnostic tool. I'm not sure of your level but if you're a tech in the field it would be a good investment after you got some the basic & intermediate equipment and good scanner tool 1st. I'm not familiar with those brands but there are good ones out there......

Like Tom mentioned there are other testing methods available besides a simulator. If you're just working on your own stuff it might be a little over the top and not worth the investment....


Aug 3, 2010, 8:52 PM

Post #6 of 8 (7054 views)
Re: Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

Hey guy thanks for the in put I work on lot of different cars I have a good scanner by OTC I usually figure them out just thought it would be easier and faster to hook up a Sensor Simulator & Tester because they test all the sensor if they do everything they say lol.
Don`t have a problem dropping $200 if it going do what it says makes everything little faster and easier.

this ones $200 Measure the signals of automotive sensors

1 the most complete hand held diagnostic tester for sensors, wiring, connectors and on-board computers
DC voltage, lambda, frequency and pulse signals can be measured
2 Digital display shows actual output of signals
3 Measures any voltage AC or DC,resistance or frequency output

Allow Simulation of most Sensor and computer management components

1 Simulating temperature sensors, throttle potentiometers, switches, air flow meters and lembda/oxygen sensor
2 Features AC voltage output to simulate vehicle speed sensors(vss), CAM, CRANK, and ignition reflector
3 Simulates actual working condition of any sensor without having to remove it from Vehicle A.B.S., Crank, Can, Coolant, Oxygen, MAP, MAF, MAT, VSS, etc

Check basic ECU operation

Controlling the signals being produced and allow to check ECU response and Operation.This prevents misdiagnosis where the fault may lie in the ECU itselfor in
the wiring between the component and the ECU.Works independently or with any scan tool ever made

Can be used on any domestic or import vehicle
Eliminates unnecessary replacement of non-defective sensors Can drive computer into"open or closed loop."


Aug 3, 2010, 8:53 PM

Post #7 of 8 (7053 views)
Re: Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

These posts were pure advertising and can't remain here

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Aug 4, 2010, 2:31 AM)

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Aug 3, 2010, 9:36 PM

Post #8 of 8 (7052 views)
Re: Automotive Sensor Simulator & Tester Sign In

Well then again it depends on your needs. Most of that stuff you can test with a scope or good multimeter. The main purpose of a simulator is just that, to simulate the frequency & amplitude of sensor to aid in the diagnoses....

It sounds like they have multimeter functions also built in to that which is good but this isn't something you plug in push a button and it tells you if this circuit or that is bad or sensor. You still need to know how to interpret the readings..
With diagnostics there is a saying " You won't know what bad looks like until you know what good looks like" and it's true. You have to know what a signal is suppose to look like as far as pattern, amplitude, frequency before you can find a bad one.

If you already have a lab scope with your scanner, then that will do pretty much every this simulator is saying it will do, short of simulating a signal. If you have just a scanner only & no multimeter then this might work for you. But just realize, its a tool & not a crystal ball....


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