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Laptop automotive scanner - Advice needed

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Apr 16, 2014, 3:54 PM

Post #1 of 6 (3335 views)
Laptop automotive scanner - Advice needed Sign In

Hello, first I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right section and truthfully have almost no knowledge about this field in general.
I'm here on behalf of my uncle, he's a bit old and has owned his radiator shop for about 50 years now. He's very behind on the times and has been told he needs to get a laptop for diagnostic purposes. I'm the computer person in the family but again I don't know a thing about cars. He was told he'd need to spend about $3000 -- and I'm thinking that can't be right.

I'm hoping someone out there can lead me in the right direction so he doesn't get swindled. He really just needs a laptop or tablet which he can hook up to a car for diagnostic and/or reprogramming purposes. It would not be used for anything else.

Is it possible to just get him a regular laptop/tablet (with bright outdoor screen) and whatever software he may need? Or is there a special car-world laptop he really needs to drop 3k on?

Also if it is just a basic laptop I can get him, what software can any of you recommend?

Thank you so much for reading!

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Apr 16, 2014, 4:25 PM

Post #2 of 6 (3328 views)
Re: Laptop automotive scanner - Advice needed Sign In

What exactly is he working on? Imports, domestics, or both?

He has a lot of learning to do. There is more than just connecting to the vehicle and reading trouble codes. If he is wanting to do electrical, drive-ability, and programming. He is going to need more than just a lap top. He is more than likely going to need a high end scan tool, access to online service information, lots of training, etc.

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New User

Apr 16, 2014, 4:33 PM

Post #3 of 6 (3323 views)
Re: Laptop automotive scanner - Advice needed Sign In

Both, but mostly Japanese. I think I misunderstood him and he only needs the laptop to do "reprogramming"? He already has an actual scan tool, Solus I think.

Is there anything special he'd need for reprogramming?

Thanks for responding

New User

Apr 16, 2014, 4:43 PM

Post #4 of 6 (3319 views)
Re: Laptop automotive scanner - Advice needed Sign In

Thank you so much for your help, after some research on the internet and talking to my uncle once again I have a better understanding of what he actually needs.

He definitely does not need a scanner, but does want a laptop to assist with reprogramming. In this case are there any SOFTware recommendations you can make for a professional?

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Apr 16, 2014, 4:45 PM

Post #5 of 6 (3318 views)
Re: Laptop automotive scanner - Advice needed Sign In

If he is going to aftermarket route to program vehicles, you and him need to check out this site and maybe contact someone that can get him started:

If he is going the factory route, he'll need the OEM scan tools for which ever makes he is programming. That gets extremely expensive.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 16, 2014, 4:53 PM

Post #6 of 6 (3317 views)
Re: Laptop automotive scanner - Advice needed Sign In

Are you and he on Oahu? You can spend a fortune for crap that you could have done a lot cheaper and not own the stuff. If a remote island wouldn't you be screwed and have to send whole car away?

Fun but foolish moved to Oahu and brought all my tools at the time. Ala Moana Blvd. and couldn't find work to pay crap so made a vacation out of it and brought everything back -- to MA no less a LONG plane ride even!

Good luck, Tom


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