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New Oil Found in Gulf of Mexico!

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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 6, 2006, 9:52 AM

Post #1 of 3 (2894 views)
New Oil Found in Gulf of Mexico! Sign In

Well (no pun) seems like about 15 billion barrels of crude and natural gas have been found in the Gulf of Mexico.

The report I saw said this could be half of the oil reserves the USA has right now and will take a few years to get it but could buy time to make a switchover at least for most cars.

I lived thru the nightmare of the crunches of 1973 and 1979 and this country complained but didn't get real serious about stopping the addiction of importing oil.

No matter what it's still a limited resource and people from any country can try harder to use less and open the doors to new ideas.

Commentary from a concerned American, T


Sep 6, 2006, 1:04 PM

Post #2 of 3 (2893 views)
Re: New Oil Found in Gulf of Mexico! Sign In

Tom don't you love how they will spend billions to find more oil, yet if they spent that billion in future tech they would actually make more in the long run..... at least BP offers solar panels for sale today.

boy do they love the black gold...and the green that follows.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 6, 2006, 4:12 PM

Post #3 of 3 (2889 views)
Re: New Oil Found in Gulf of Mexico! Sign In

Remember the "Beverly Hillbillies?" Texas tea, millionairs, and off to Hollywood.

My family is into oil and still maintains that it needs to be controlled.

Just read the post about hybrids and a dissapointed guest. The truth is we can't stop trying and we will still need oil products for other things than fuel for vehicles.

The biggest problem is that we have an in place infratructure for oil for fuel and NOT even an attempt yet at anything else!!!!

You can't drive a long trip and recharge your batteries in a few minutes and as said in that other post where did that energy come from anyway. Lots still comes from fossil fuel.

Just a whacked thought.---- Can't you just see this world in a couple hundred years when the wind stops because we captured all its force and plants won't grow because we trapped all the solar power and hydro-electric wont work because it takes the solar power of the sun to evaporate water to make it rain in a place that has to come down and we capture that energy.

Now think about nuke energy!!!! It can power a ship/submarine for years without refueling and an item the size of a baseball can run a city for a real long time and the waste stinks to get rid of. I also suffer from NIMBY (not in my back yard) so it's a rock and hard place but nuke energy is clean and the waste is so small it pales in comparison to any other. OK -- it's also dangerous when not dealt with and a total disaster if there is a failure as has already happened. Arggh, what do we do?

Another point that can be argued is that this world was ruled by dinosaurs that ALL died off in less than a year as far as I know. A solar blackout and no plants or food for them is what I believe.

America and other countries are smart. So let's allow for all the ideas on what is best and it may be a combination.

Sorry for the book. Just my thoughts on this, T


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