Olds Intrigue Oxygen Sensor heater problem
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Anonymous Poster
Aug 19, 2007, 8:58 AM
Post #1 of 1
Olds Intrigue Oxygen Sensor heater problem
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1998, olds intrigue, six cylinder engine, automatic, two oxygen sensors, one before the catalyst and one after. My problem is with the oxygen sensor heaters remaining on after the car is turned off, draining the battery. After the car is off, even for several hours both oxygen sensors remain hot to he touch. There are no ECM codes present. Check engine light is off in run mode. Pulling the 15 amp fuse in the engine compartment fuse box kills the heaters. (Both running draw 2.25 amps) There must be some sort of control module to turn off the heaters after the car comes up to running temp. My book says that 15 amp oxygen sensor fuse is suppose to be powered in start or run mode, but it is hot all the time. What ever controls the oxygen sensor heaters is before that fuse. Does anyone know where that module is located? Additional info. Unplugging the PCM under the hod has no effect. Any assistance will be apprecated.
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