inspirational story on honesty.
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Feb 29, 2012, 8:53 PM
Post #1 of 2
inspirational story on honesty.
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I work for a large pipe company with 600 employees. There are two 12hr shifts. I work nights. I somehow drooped my wallet on the 10 minute walk to the time clock from my work station. I didn't miss it till I got home and went to empty my pockets. I followed my trail all the way back to my work station. No luck. It contained $300 in cash two credit cards and my ID. Two days later a Hispanic Guy that can't speak a word of English. Walked up to me pulled out my wallet looked at my ID then me back to my ID then handed it to me. My friend translated that he found it in a mud puddle & spent two days looking through the 600 employees. He was day shift & went through all of them first. Then stayed after work to look for the owner on night shift. Everything was still in the wallet. Untouched. He only opens it to look at the ID I tried to give him a $100. Reward but he refused. Saying that he hopes I will do the same if I ever find a wallet. I was shocked that he went through that much trouble to return it. My auto repair background is many years as family shade tree.& 500hrs in auto technology in engine performance specialization. Certificate received. I am not a tech & not qualified to give advice.
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Mar 1, 2012, 4:41 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: inspirational story on honesty.
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The newspapers are swarming with stories of con men and thieves scamming people all the time. Locks and alarms are a multibillion dollar industry. Its a refreshing break to hear of a man with true integrity. Thanks for sharing that story with us.
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