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weird electrical prob with my bike

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Feb 26, 2010, 7:19 PM

Post #1 of 3 (5257 views)
weird electrical prob with my bike Sign In

I have a 95 honda shadow vt600cd with appox. 30,000 miles on it.I was ridin down the road when it choked as if it were out of gas.I pulled in the clutch and reved it till it seemed to be ok.I continued down the road and it happened 2 more times but went comepletely dead on the last time.I had no electrical when I turned the key on.So I walked it to a friends house(luckily I had one close by)and we started to troubleshoot it.We couldnt come up with any resonable solution,so I went home to get my dealers service manual!When I got back we started to t.s. again but it came on and started up.So I decided to just have him follow me while I drove it home.I got it home without the previous problem.So I let it sit for a day or 2 and when I went to go start it,my lights came on and it seemed ok till I pushed the start button,it clicked like it was gonna start but then I lost all the lights and stuff!I've checked the batt and have 12 volts and have looked over wiring for shorts or bad connections and cant find any!As I said I have the dealers service manual but I need some help as to where to begin to look even in it!


Feb 26, 2010, 8:48 PM

Post #2 of 3 (5251 views)
Re: weird electrical prob with my bike Sign In

Not a biker here but prob sounds the same as a car, lawnmower or about anything else with a bad battery connection. If you have checked & cleaned the cable ends on the battery, follow the cables down to their destination and clean those connections. Let us know of your results. Luck.

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Feb 28, 2010, 9:58 PM

Post #3 of 3 (5245 views)
Re: weird electrical prob with my bike Sign In

My Yamaha did the same crap last summer. Do you have the battery ground hooked directly to the engine case with a squeaky clean connection? If not, fix that. Jap bikes are very finicky about this item and will drive you nuts until corrected. Wish I was able to ride mine, but central WI is still full of snow and ice. But you've motivated me to start working on mine to get it ready as soon as thaw comes.


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