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1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?

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Harley Guy

Nov 20, 2010, 8:28 PM

Post #1 of 22 (2944 views)
  post locked   1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Hi there,
I found this site, in hopes of getting some answers as to what you guys think.....about my problem with my Cool running truck.
First........let me say.....that I just changed the Thermostat to a Winter one.....that is rated for 95 degrees....up from my other Thermostat which was a 85.
The reason that I did because, my Truck would never show over 60 degrees on my Dash Gauge.....when it was warm?
I figure........that it should always be reading around the Middle of the gauge, and it should be reading a Steady 100 ( If not more?)......not around the 50 or 60 mark on the gauge.
So........I just figured, that my lack of heat.......was due to a Sticking Thermostat.
May be not?
I still have No Heat blowing in the Truck.
It does warm up a little bit, just due to the Engine heat........but........No Real HOT air......blowing out of my Heater.
I have checked all of my Hoses......and all the engine hoses are "HOT" once she warms up.......and the Heater hoses are kind of OK.......well......The Bottom heater hose is HOT to touch.....but the Top Hose is just Warm?
So.........I have Two questions for you guys.
Why........does my Gauge not come up to a Steady 100 and stay there?
I should mention that it now....( With the New Hotter Thermostat) ....does slowly Warm up to the 100 mark......but it soon falls back down to the 60 mark and stays there.
And.......I still have NO Heat coming into the Truck?
The Truck is in Immaculate condition and has always been very well taken care of........I just got it off of my Dad......who was the original owner.
So..........why does she not Warm Up and there No Heat?
Is it a Thermostat problem....could the New Thermostat be Faulty as well....and sticking Open?
Is that never stays at 100?
And No Heat coming from the that due to the Thermostat or......due I have an Air POcket in there or may be .......the Heater is Plugged with some crap and blowing out the Heater with a Garden hose might be the fix?
I am interested in what you guys think.....before........I start to investigate the problem again.
I would guess......that if, I was not Circulating water through the engine........that I would be Over Heating the must be Air oor Dirt blocking the water in the Heater core?
But........why doesn't the Engine gauge show that it is Warming up?
It takes the Truck about 10 to 15 minutes of warming her up....( She is Parked Outside in the weather) ...before.......the Gauge begins to move up to the 100 mark and then back down to 60 again.
Looking forward to hearing what you guys think.
Thanks for any help, that you can send my way.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 6:21 AM

Post #2 of 22 (2932 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

If one or both of your heater hoses are not getting as hot as the other radiator hoses, then you likely have a restricted heater core. You can try removing both heater hoses and flushing it with garden hose pressure but that may not be enough. It may need a new heater core.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Harley Guy

Nov 21, 2010, 9:51 AM

Post #3 of 22 (2926 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Thanks for the suggestion on Flushing the Heater Hoses.......I'll definitely give that a try.
Sure hope that I don't have to replace the Heater Core.......that is a job in itself, from what I have heard. that you mention it......I did have a Damp Carpet on the Passenger side back in the Summer months, but just figured that it might have been from washing the Truck and the Engine compartment???
I did run the Radiator a little low in the Summer as well.......could that have created an Air pocket in the Heater core, that could be causing the problem?
What do you think?
Now........what do you think.......about my Engine Temperature.......not coming up to operating temp and staying there.
I did change the Thermostat to a much Hotter one.....and it did help a still won't reach operating temps?
Will the heater have any thing to do with that?.......or is that a seperate issue in itself?
And if so........what do you think?
All my Engine hoses are HOT!
I appreciate any info that you can pas my way.
Thanks again
PS.........I also own Vette.......I assume by your photo......that you do as well? lol

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 10:56 AM

Post #4 of 22 (2922 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

You don't know that it isn't coming up to temp. With a new thermostat, i doubt you have a problem there. The problem could be with your temp gauge.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Harley Guy

Nov 21, 2010, 11:31 AM

Post #5 of 22 (2915 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

True I was saying earlier on....the Truck has been in the family since it was New, and the gauge has always been fairly accurate
What with the No Hear and the Temp gauge reading Lower than Normal, I just assumed.......that the problem was Termostat related and that the two had something to do with one another?
This is a good example as to why, I never really enjoyed working on my own stuff.
It is just kind of Frustrating........Throwing Parts at is Fixed.
You would think?.......That with all of my Symptoms....that some one out there.....would say........"YA"!!!......I had the exact same problem with mine.....and this is what the Problem and the Fix is, for that.
But........when it comes to cars and their problems........there is always.....a Zillion things that it "Could Be"? LOL
I do enjoy working on something......if.....I know what the Fix is.
But.....on the other hand......I don't really have all the time in the be spending on running back and forth to the Parts Shop in hopes of that "Next" part....fixing the problem. LOL
I guess.......that is why Mechanics, are the only answer for those of us....who work 6 days a week and just donpt have the Time.
The problem with Mechanics, is finding a Good Honest one........that you can actually "Trust", not to Screw you over.
I had a Great One....."Al" who worked out of his own place in White Rock.....he was the absolute BEST!
Reasonable Honest as they come......and he would Fix the Simple No Charge what so ever.
But due to Health issues........He is not working that much these days.
If......any one out there knows of a GREAT TRUST Worthy Mechanic in the Vancouver BC area....I would Love to pay him a visit.
Till then......I guess I will just drive around with No Heat....until I get the Time, to Throw some more Parts at it......Hoping to come up with the answers.
Thanks again.
Keep the Info coming or better yet......the name of a Trusted Mechanic??? LOL

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 11:43 AM

Post #6 of 22 (2913 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

The problem with Mechanics, is finding a Good Honest one........that you can actually "Trust", not to Screw you over

Your not going to make any friends here with comments like that.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Harley Guy

Nov 21, 2010, 12:31 PM

Post #7 of 22 (2904 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

LOL.......No Disrespect intended! obviously ......know what I am referring to.
Mechanics are like Doctors or Dentists or Women.
It takes a while, until you find one, that you feel 100% Comfortable with, and that you Trust.... to give you the Straight Goods, all the time.
Not every one is a Great Doctor.......or a Great Dentist or that One very Special Girl!
So.........don't be so sensitive.....there was No Disrespect all. have to admit.......that there are some out there......that have contributed greatly to that view point.
I am sure that Second Hand Car salesmen, have to Deal with that image.......on each and every day, that they go to work.
Trust is gained......through either referrals from other Happy Customers ( As I was with my own Trusted and Honest Mechanic....who was the BEST!) takes build that Trust, in those that we have take care of things.....that we have very limited knowledge on.
My guy was the BEST.......and that is what I am now looking for.
Just because some one has a set of Tools, that does not mean, that they know how to use them, or that they are Reputable or Honest.
That is just the way that it is, unfortunately.
I have enough Friends as it is....LOL..I'm just on here, to look for some simple straight forward advice.
I do appreciate the Input and the Help.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 2:50 PM

Post #8 of 22 (2896 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Unfortunately I know exactly "what you" mean.

You're right, no matter what area you look at there is always people that are very good at what they do, incompetent ones and yes dishonest ones. This is just human nature every area has the good and the bad.

In my field, from what I've seen personally is the average person that comes to the counter that doesn't know me or my shop assumes I'm dishonest just because of what I do for a living. I can't give you an exact percentage but it's high. Some will come right out and say it, others you can tell just by how they act & scrutinize the estimate.

I suppose if I was a thief and knew I was "screwing" people for my money it wouldn't be so bad but I'll have to admit early on it my career this is one thing that really "got to me" having someone accusing me of being thief without even knowing me. Over the years you grow thick skin and don't let it get to you. Having customers that do know you, trust you and your work helps and then throw in that there are new customers that come in and trust what you say is even better.....Wow... innocent until proven guilty, that is refreshing, they actually give you a chance to prove way........or the OTHER...

I'm not bashing you because like I said this is something that is common place and assumed by a lot of folks but you are a card carrying member whether you know it or not.... Your statement proves that.

The problem with Mechanics, is finding a Good Honest one........that you can actually "Trust", not to Screw you over.

Lets call a spade a spade. If you didn't have this assumed attitude about technicians then the statement would've said " The problem is finding a good mechanic" and I totally agree with that... This is where I believe this attitude comes from there just isn't enough competent techs out there but being incompetent isn't the same as being dishonest.

There is a wide gap of experience with all the mechanics in this field. Anyone can buy a wrench & hammer go to work of a shop and call themselves a mechanic. This doesn't mean they can diagnose or even repair a car but they are part of the club, even these guys that work out of their own garages or drive beat up trucks and will go to your house are part of the club in the publics eye and just like anything, there are good ones and bad ones there but I believe there are more bad in that area just due to lack of proper training..
In order to diagnose and repair todays cars and even older ones 1st takes skill, either you have it or you don't but more importantly it takes training and this is something a competent tech will have to do his whole career to keep up with the changing technology.

So there is a a couple of different aspects to this "assumed view".
1st you are dealing with a tech that just doesn't know how to fix the car, this is a case of incompetence or lack of proper training not dishonesty. Dishonesty is something someone does while knowing full well it's wrong but does it anyway to profit.

Then there is the parts issue. One the most basic things when you are in business is you buy a twangle for $1 and you sell it for $2 this is called a profit magin and its how businesses make money. But for some reason this rule does not apply to the automotive industry. When a shop buys a water pump for $50 and sells it to the customer for $80 and when that customer happens to find out what parts house the shop bought if from and prices checks it and finds out they could've bought it for $50.....They think the shop just screwed them.... FYI there is no jobber rate for shops any more and if there is it's 10% at the most which is nothing and now most parts house sell to the public for the same rate that shops get. But for some reason shops aren't allowed to make money buy marking up parts, if they do they are thieves.

With that logic they should price check the price of that steak they just bought at Outback... I'm sure Outback is paying $25 for each cut of meat. How about that beer you had at the bar or shot you took..... I'm sure the bar pays $3 for each bottle of beer & $2 for each shot of tequila. I'm sure there would be no problem you bringing in your own steak & potatoes for them to cook for you and they would be more than happy to adjust their price.... This is something customers do routinely in shops....

I'm also sure there is zero difference between the $20 set of organic brk pads and the $80 set of ceramics...... So a shop that isn't charging $30 for their brk jobs is just giving you the "big screw job" usual because that is what they do...

Also experience means absolutely nothing in this field. Shops should just give away their knowledge and experience for free. A diag should be free because that 20 year tech found the problem in a few minutes. This is something the customer couldn't find in 3 weeks with his buddies even though they threw a $1000 worth of parts at it and didn't fix it. Just because the equipment the tech uses cost more than the car is worth is meaningless, you can't charge for that........Yup the "big screw job".....That diag should've only cost $10 at the most.....all it was, was a burnt wire right there by the was simple....... I could've done that......damn thieves...

I could go on but 95% of these stories of mechanics being theive is just unreal perceptions.......

Shops are allowed to make money on parts ( just like everyone else) and their margins don't even come close to what some of these other business mark there parts up to.

Just like any other skilled professional, you pay for knowledge and experience. That isn't free for you just because it seemed easy for the tech. Any skilled professional makes their job look easy....If they are any good at it.

If you think it's easy and can do it............THEN DO IT YOURSELF...........

If you take it in for what ever reason that doesn't mean all business rules and laws don't apply cuz you think you know how to do it.....

Why shouldn't they charge for their time? Why shouldn't they be allowed to make money on parts??????

I'm sure I'm wasting my time here and didn't change anything but maybe try applying some of your view to your job & what you do for a living....

(This post was edited by Sidom on Nov 21, 2010, 2:59 PM)

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 3:26 PM

Post #9 of 22 (2882 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Wow, that's lot more effort that i would have spent defending us.

Personally............. I think Lawyers, Doctors, Plumbers, Electricians, Accountants, Parts stores, discount stores, Contractors, Hospitals and supermarkets are all thieves.
I bet none of them have to invest $100,000 in tools either.... well maybe the hospital does but they mark up 2000%.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 3:40 PM

Post #10 of 22 (2878 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

In Reply To
Personally............. I think Lawyers, Doctors, Plumbers, Electricians, Accountants, Parts stores, discount stores, Contractors, Hospitals and supermarkets are all thieves.
I bet none of them have to invest $100,000 in tools either.... well maybe the hospital does but they mark up 2000%.

Darn....That's not

But you know the law profession is a good example....... As whole I think it gets a bad rap as well....... My opinion... I think there is some in the person law suit area this is questionable but that's just me..... As a whole I think there are a lot of good ones out there that do good work but like anything you hear more about the bad ones....

I know with your experience you have more of a right but I think you just got a bad one....... A good one probably would've been different....

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 3:46 PM

Post #11 of 22 (2872 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

You did notice who was on the top of my list..................LOL


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 4:00 PM

Post #12 of 22 (2868 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

ya....that little detail did pop out...

That was a bad deal...... You just got a bad one who either didn't know what he was doing or just didn't care......I think the latter is true...

Harley Guy

Nov 21, 2010, 4:02 PM

Post #13 of 22 (2864 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

WOW........LOL......I certainly Hit a Nerve on this one! LOL
You are absolutely rght on so many is the Thieves and the Back Yard Mechanics out there.....who give this Profession the Bad Name......that it has "ALWAYS" had......and it will probably always have.......just due to the Puplic being Ripped Off, on a pretty consistant basis.
You have No Argument there.
Your Argument and obvious Frustration, should be directed at the Source of this problem......which isn't at the Publics view of your should be focusing that Frustration in the direction of ALL the Crooked Dishonest Mechanics out there...who Rip Off the Elderly, the Young or the unknowledgeable customer who comes into their shop, with Good intentions of giving them their business, in Good Faith. where your Argument and Frustration should be directed at.
Marking up parts is one thing......But.....Ripping people off.....with INFLATED another story all together.
No one is arguing that you have to make a Living and thqat your years of Hard Work and Dedication to yoru Trade, does come at a price.
But that Price......has to be realistic and warranted....not Inflated to the point of being Theft, at it's best.
Franchise dealers are nortorious for Ripping off the Customer, by throwing in Parts....that were not ever needed.
And that is the part of your business or the Trade......that needs to be fixed or altered, for the Reputation of Shady Mechanics to Disappear all together.
You asked me, to compare your situation of your years of experience..being given away for FREE?
Well........I have been a Fire Fighter for 25 years and a Captain for 8 of those years.
And.......I do hapen to give my Time and Experience away for "FREE" every opportunity that I get......and I do it Happily.
Why? was "MY" pick this Career... and I try to "Give Back" when ever the moment presents itself.
I speak to Groups, Schools, Business's ( Like yours) on a regular basis for "FREE"...on my "OWN TIME"..... to make our Community and our Schools and our Families and Homes and Business's a Safer place for all of us to Live in. are Preaching to the Choir here...when it comes to what I do for a Living and how I constantly "GIVE BACK" to those that are in need of my Services, or in need of my Knowledge.......FREE of Charge! LOL
You won't catch me going into a Big Rant, about being compensated for my Time or my Experience.........We all choose what we all do for a Living, and to make a Buck.
I hear all ther time.....about us Fire Fighters have the BEST Life possiable ..what with ONLY working a few days out of the month. LOL
How many Friends have I Lost......on the job?
That comes at a Price as well. one ever thinks of that!
Do they?
And why is that? does not effect them Directly.
People only see.......what they want to see.
Pretty plain and simple.
I have the MOST Faith and TRUST in my now departed Mechanic, and have NOTHING but PRAISE and GREAT things to say about him and his work.
But.......unfortunately.......that just can not be said for ALL the Back Yard Mechanics or supposed Professional Mechanics out there.
There is the Good and BAD in every thing.
Unfortunately for are in a Trade...that has a Reputation for Ripping the Customer off.
Your BEEF is with the CROOKED and Unskilled Mechanics out there.......who have Tarnished EVERY Good Thing, that you have ever done or that you will ever do.
Instead of EXPECTING to get Paid for your years of Experience.....and tacking that on to your Bill......Why not.......just Bill for your actual Time?
Would that not be.......MORE......Honest?
Would that not be.....something, that will gain you nothing but Praise and Admiration from your already PAYING Customers?
Your Beef is not with the PAYING Customer........your BEEF is with your Fellow "Less Honest" Mechanics, who have made your step up in the eyes of the PAYING Customer...from that of a USED Car Salesmen.
Sad .......But.....True.
TRUST comes with Time.
Your Profession, is not High on the List....of having the MOST HONEST Individuals working in that Trade.
And you wonder WHY...... Joe Public questions the Over Inflated Prices on the Hourly Labor or on the prices of the Inflated Parts Bill.
When I go out for Dinner........I Expect to get a Rewarding and Satisfying Expeirence for my Dinning Dollar...which I normally do.
I know the prices on the Menu and If I feel that the Meal is not up to Snuff......they will either take it off the Bill or Comp us for the Entire Meal.
The Prices are SET and are right there in front of us......we know.....what we are Paying for!
In the case of Mechanics.......Nothing is in Print or in to what the Bill will come to.
If I am not satisfied with the work on my Vehicle......will you Comp me on the work or take it off my Bill???? LOL
I some how Highly doubt that.
Once again......your profession is FULL of Crooks and Thieves.
Your anger and Frustration is with the Crooked Mechanics out there....not with us Doubting Customers and Victims.
Some times........expecting to get Paid for our years of just Wrong at times.
If.......I had to ever attend a Fire at your own Home ......( Heaven Forbid) ....a Big "Thanks", is all that I would ever need or require.
You can't attach a Price or a Dollar figure to Every thing.
I do understand, what you are saying. have no one else to Blame for that, than the Dishonest Mechanics that are out there.
There seem to be a lot MORE of THEM......than there are ......of the Honest and Trustworthy ones.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 4:14 PM

Post #14 of 22 (2859 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Let me tell you one thing. You will not come here and bash techs. You come here for free help from people who are donating their time that is very valuable in the open market and you think your going to knock us too?

Sidom is a lot more understanding than I am.
You'd better drop it now while your still able to post here.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Harley Guy

Nov 21, 2010, 5:00 PM

Post #15 of 22 (2852 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Hammer Time......."YOU" are the one...who went off on your own Rant.
I'm just Responding accordingly.
Lets just agree to Disagree?
You are more than welcome to your own One Sided Opinion, as I am of mine.
Freedom of Speech is "Every Ones" doesn't apply to just you. have been either accused or convicted for being one of the Shady ones, in your past .... at some point?
Lets try this........"Go F**k YOUSELF"!
Guys like you......are the Problem with your Profession.
That is......if you are actually a Licensed or Ticketed Mechanic?
Calling yourself a laughable at best.
Sorry.......but......I thought that this Forum would be of some help.
I was obvioulsy wrong.
Guys like "you"........are what give the Trade the name that it has.......and it will always have.
Go F**k yourself really are rather Pathetic to say the least.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 5:05 PM

Post #16 of 22 (2848 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

You were warned........


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 5:27 PM

Post #17 of 22 (2841 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Frustration? Maybe a little....

Anger? Naw...I don't let that stuff get to me anymore.

I think the frustration comes for a lack of respect from the public. I realize this isn't rocket science but with some of the systems these days it's getting closer.... There has always been an attitude that I've seen that this type of work is it's something anyone can do and if you are just talking about the base level with only the easiest of R&R work the I suppose that may be true. Once you get into the intermediate and advanced levels. With out the proper training, tools & skill there is no way you would succeed. Once again the public's persception is anyone can do this because of the machine you hook up that tells you everything that is wrong having no clue what it takes to actually track a problem down..... You only have to go thru some of the posts here to see examples of that...

Some of your opinions are what I'm talking about. Unless you've actually look at these shop's cost of doing business as far as tools, training, what quality of parts there are using and a bunch of other factors how do you know what they are charging is overinflated? That is the problem. A customer will have in his mind how much job X should cost and if the quote is way higher then you get opinions like yours.

I don't expect you to go out and research this but if you did you would realize there is a wide range of quality on the exact same part for the same car ranging from an OE which is usually the highest quality to the some substandard chinese aftermarket that barely just barely meets the safety standards. You can't compare these 2 parts. Its like comparing apples and oranges.....and this goes into tooling and training as well. Just a database such as Alldata or Mitchell on demand is well over $2000 a year and this isn't even counting the manufactures sites, toss in around another $1500 a year per site and this is just information to even look at the car, you haven't even pulled it into the shop yet..

There are shops out there that have all that and more. All the factory tools. They train their techs. The use only OE or high quality parts. How can you can compare that to a shop that has no data base, zero training for their mechanics and the only diag tool they have is a low end code reader...... I'm serious, there are shops like this and it isn't as rare as you think...... How can compare those shops to ones that are qualified and use only quality parts. You can't. These would be 2 completely different overheads.

You're a firefighter and I respect that. Anyone who thinks they have an easy schedule has obviously never had to spend anytime away from their family is home every night after work...

The things that you are doing for the community is admirable but like you said, you are doing this own your own time and we are talking about what we do for a living here. It is very hard to compare your profession to mine. You are dealing with human life and safety as well as risking your own life. While it's dangerous being a technician I don't think you can fairly compare those 2 either..... again apple and oranges.

I'm assuming your salaried, you get paid the same whether you save 100 lives or 1 life....... I get paid by each car I work on.....If you see me standing there leaning on my box....guess what? ...... I'm making zero dollars...... It's easy for you to tell me to give away my experience when you are talking about my paycheck.... If you got paid by the calls you went to I think your views would be a bit different on experience. I'm sure you have easy calls as well as the tough ones... The easy ones you would make money on the tough ones you would lose but it would work out in the end....
I also think your view would be a little different if they wanted to knock 2 months salary off your pay check because they felt you're overpaid but you still had to work 12 months. How many times in that 25 years did you not take a paycheck because you "felt like giving back?"

I'm Canadian but have never worked in Canada so can't say how it works up there but here you absolutely know what you are paying for up front. Most shops do advertise package prices for basic services that are the same for most cars & trucks... There is no way you could list every possible job for every car, that would take hundreds of walls of signs. Every customer is given an estimate before any work is done. They have every opportunity to price check get a 2nd opinion. The price is right there in front of you.

You know you're right that there is dishonest people in the auto industry just as I'm sure there are dishonest firefighters. It's human nature, there is good people and bad people. It doesn't matter what they do for a living or anything else.....

Unless you can actually tell me what the mark ups are on these overinflated prices or what the overhead is of some of these shops with too high of labor rate then in reality your really don't know what you are talking about. It's just the opinion of someone who has no experience with the auto industry who could very well be comparing to completely different parts brands or shops....

Like I said I really don't know why I'm posting, I'm not going to change anything....... The only thing that would truly change your mind would be for you to open your own shop and not one of the low budget ones I mentioned but one that was up to snuff.... Once all the costs of keeping the bay doors open came across your desk I would bet my house your pricing would be in line with ones you are calling dishonest now and if they weren' would be closed down in a year...........and I guarantee that as well.....

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 5:38 PM

Post #18 of 22 (2830 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

You know something I have zero respect for you......after "claiming" to be a firefighter and coming back with this uncalled for response to someone who's opinion you didn't like... I really doubt you are a firefighter losing your control over something so minor.....

Disgraceful to say the least.....

I pretty much knew what type of uneducated low brow person I was dealing with by your 1st post......

This last response only proves that....

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 5:44 PM

Post #19 of 22 (2825 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

He's just another idiot looking for something for nothing. Most city employees think they are entitled..............LOL


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 5:48 PM

Post #20 of 22 (2821 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

I really doubt he is who he says he is.......

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 6:05 PM

Post #21 of 22 (2812 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

He's right over the Washington border in Vancouver....... Probably an illegal alien...........LOL
I hope he freezes his jewels off in that truck with no heat....LOL


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Nov 21, 2010, 6:22 PM

Post #22 of 22 (2807 views)
  post locked   Re: 1992 Chev 350 1500 "No Heat"?  

Dude are you kidding......Compared to where I lived in BC, that was shorts & tank top country in the winter.......Sly


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