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1999 F-150 Fuel Troubleshooting

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Feb 20, 2018, 9:54 AM

Post #1 of 3 (2443 views)
1999 F-150 Fuel Troubleshooting Sign In

I have a 1999 Ford F-150 with a 4.6L V8. It has sat for the last 3 years but did start up a couple of times during that span. Now it will not start. I believe it is a fuel issue because it cranks but won't run. If I trickle a little gas on the air filter it will start and run for about 20-30 seconds.

I started troubleshooting by disconnecting the fuel filter and cranked to see if the fuel pump was pumping fuel. It wasn't so I verified good electrical signals to the pump and replaced it.. Now it spits fuel at the filter connection. Went ahead and changed the fuel filter but still won't start. Checked for fuel at the Schaefer valve on the rail but nothing came out. Changed the fuel pressure regulator which was pretty gummed up but still no start. Connected a fuel pressure test set to the schrader valve and only got 10 psi in the on position. Visually inspected the fuel
line from the filter to the rails and everything looked ok.

At this point I'm thinking there's a clog in the line between the fuel filter and the rails. Going to find the tool to disconnect the line from the rail isolate that section up to the fuel filter then squirt a bunch of SeaFoam in and let it dissolve for a while and try to blow it out with compressed air.

Anyone have any other ideas of what it could be or how to troubleshoot?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 20, 2018, 10:14 AM

Post #2 of 3 (2432 views)
Re: 1999 F-150 Fuel Troubleshooting Sign In

Some ideas that were common. Nothing at the Shrader and if you don't even hear (sometimes too noisy) the fuel pump at all just whack on the relay for it under the hood. If it kicks to and runs toss that relay.
Was super common and almost certain your A/C if equipped relay is identical can swap it see if it runs fine and go get another couple new ones put A/C relay back and keep a spare. Look for corrosion on connection just anyway this was once super common even just a few years old? IDK why did a lot never heard of the problem again.

If no help trying that forget the cleaner tricks it isn't pumping or returning so fast can't build up any pressure or not enough. It's plenty old enough for a second fuel pump and troubles like this check the obvious before going too nuts,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Feb 20, 2018, 2:20 PM

Post #3 of 3 (2424 views)
Re: 1999 F-150 Fuel Troubleshooting Sign In

You don't have a plugged line. Don't bother messing with that as you might just damage the pump. I would pay more attention inside the tank for debris in the tank causing issues with the pump pick-up. You also want to verify there is no voltage drop at any of the connectors to the pump.


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