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Park brake on 1998 E-350

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mdaniel profile image

Jan 1, 2011, 12:44 PM

Post #1 of 15 (5099 views)
Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

I have a 1998 Ford E-350 2wd.
I recently replaced the brakes all the way around, front rotors/pads, rear drums/shoes.
But for some reason I still don't have a good park brake. You can set it and it will hold on level, but if you are on a incline it will not.
So I replaced the (2) rear park brake cables, but still have a weak park brake.

Also, I have the rear brakes adjusted up as far as I can without them dragging.

Any ideas?


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 1, 2011, 1:40 PM

Post #2 of 15 (5086 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

I have to guess that this is typical disc/drum style for Fords in general.

Once the back brakes are know all good, with new drums and shoes adjusted properly you can mess with central cable adjuster if not all rotted out (put PB on it now) and adjust cable to be firmish (hard to convey what that is) at about 7 clicks of a foot pedal type parking brake.

Generally you don't need to mess with the center adjuster which is probably just a threaded rod to a holder for the two cables to the back brakes. COUNT TURNS SO YOU CAN GO BACK IF IT SCREWS UP! Do NOT over do that thing or you'll go nuts later if you need brakes again.

MORE/IMPORTANT: It could be if the parking brake pedal is firm now that the brakes need some breaking in - not a pun but brand new they don't usually have full braking power for a while. I know it all new stuff but the exact mating of surfaces hasn't been established yet. Some are ok within a couple miles and some take more. Same shoes so drag (easy) brakes in a safe area a bit to speed it up if needed. Best to make any cable adjustment when the shoes are mated properly to the drums. Nice big drum brakes on something like this can last forever almost except for any hydraulic issues that come up or a bad grease seal to mess up nice new brakes.

Look for the cable adjuster now and use that penetrating oil now. It's (if typical) just a threaded rod with I think 1/4 inch square to hold to adjust nut. Easy to bust those so go carefully if you go there. If way too rusty there's another way but I'll wait to hear,


mdaniel profile image

Jan 1, 2011, 2:38 PM

Post #3 of 15 (5083 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

Thanks for your quick reply.
I guess I should have mentioned that I have already adjusted the cable "T" adjuster until the cables are tight.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 1, 2011, 3:17 PM

Post #4 of 15 (5080 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

OK: Sorry for my windiness. If all is adjusted right then it's a waiting game IMO for them to break in. Break-in is two things TMK - shoes to match the drums AND much brake friction material doesn't work it's best till it's been hot. There are tons of different materials used now not just asbestos if any is used anymore. if pedal for park brake feels fair for new brakes leave it alone. It's not fair but they can just need some time and use of driving not just still,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 1, 2011, 4:28 PM

Post #5 of 15 (5072 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

Just one thing to add here.

If you adjusted the parking brake cable, I hope you got the regular shoes adjusted properly first. If that cable is too tight you will get a false reading on the regular brakes. You really need to back that parking brake adjustment way off and then adjust the brake shoes. after that you can go back to the parking brake.

It also makes a big difference if you resurfaced the brake drums. If you didn't and just slapped shoes on it, then you just need to start all over because you'll never have good contact.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 2, 2011, 1:03 PM

Post #6 of 15 (5063 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

HT - so right about the cable adjustment. Think we both know well how that can screw you up now or later.

RE: Drums and rotors. How quickly I forget - stuff I buy is expensive (Centric Brand name) and is pre cut and shows it. That tell-tale cross hatch finish does help right away with very adequate braking from the get go.

The (have to say it) total junk, usually from Asian sources is so bad I don't even trust the specs on that stuff. Not allowed where I live to coat drums and rotors with gooey stuff to be cleaned off first so now all those parts come in sealed plastic.

Not just an opinion but the better or best quality brake parts are a bargain over the life of the brakes and performance thereof. Proven a zillion times on my own vehicles and countless others.

Other and prehistoric now: There was a day when a drum was cut you also put the shoes in a grinder to match the new even ever so slightly different size. Illegal here now as that dust is a total hazmat,


mdaniel profile image

Jan 2, 2011, 2:32 PM

Post #7 of 15 (5057 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

Thanks guys, I'll back off the "T" adjuster and start fresh then post back.
Thanks again for your help.

I was a diesel mechanic for 15 years before quiting and going into the communications field back in 2000.
Now my wife and I own and operate a communications company and have 5 service trucks on the road, of which I do all the maintenance on.
The one in question is a E-350 with a 36ft bucket.

Glad I found this board.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 2, 2011, 3:00 PM

Post #8 of 15 (5051 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

mdaniel: There are other sources and sites for help. I've been at this one since 2002 and I want Moderators to at least send you a private message as to where to go as site can't openly post links.

FYI - we are all volunteers here! Shocking as that is there's tons of competent techs here young and older (me and others) -- if we are failing to get you info you need that would be a shock to me. These guys are sharp! Just know that short of plain doing the job ourselves we are doing a lot of guessing at what you are dealing with and bet all have dealt with crap before.

Just a tidbit -- do stuff right and do it once. Web is great for info but still requires your own judgment.

Be well,


mdaniel profile image

Jan 2, 2011, 4:28 PM

Post #9 of 15 (5043 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

 do stuff right and do it once. Web is great for info but still requires your own judgment.


Couldn't have said it better myself!


Veteran / Moderator
re-tired profile image

Jan 4, 2011, 9:26 PM

Post #10 of 15 (5026 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

I recommend you do a goggle search on tsb's and recalls . I just went thru kinda quick , there seems to be a lot of traffic regarding E350 brakes and parking brake . Don't know if any applied to your specific truck but worth a look.


mdaniel profile image

Jan 8, 2011, 3:06 PM

Post #11 of 15 (5000 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

Ok, got a chance today to take a look at the brakes on this E-350.
First, yeah it needed the t-adjuster backed off and re-adjust the rear brakes.

But the big problem was with the aftermarket shoes (I know, I knew better, but was trying to save a buck).
The part of the rebuilt shoe that the park bark cam pushes to expand the shoes was so badly worn that it is riding over the top instead of engaging pushing the shoe out.

I feel so stupid, I am one of the biggest advocates of "Get your parts from the dealer", but one of the times I tried to save a few bucks and get aftermarket it bit me in the wallet.

So I'll be going over to my friendly Ford dealer Monday morning to order NEW rear brake shoes.Pirate

Thanks for ya'lls input.


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 8, 2011, 3:09 PM

Post #12 of 15 (4997 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

I always buy good quality shoes but never OEM and I never see any problems. They must have been some crappy shoes. I just stay with one of the major brand suppliers like Raybestos or Wagner


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

mdaniel profile image

Jan 8, 2011, 5:29 PM

Post #13 of 15 (4991 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

I'll send ya some pics in a e-mail hammer.
I'm almost certain these shoes where Wagner.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 9, 2011, 5:23 AM

Post #14 of 15 (4977 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

Just some thoughts to add: Take off one drum and see what % of shoe(s) show some wear now if driven at all by now. Might find just a tad of center part shows some wear or that it touched.

As said earlier "arcing" new shoes to drum size is out but with all new stuff should be pretty close. These huge brakes could take a long time to wear into the best friction area.

Silly - but make sure shoe with larger/longer amount of friction material is towards the rear! It's natural for drum parking brakes to be stronger holding a forward move then reverse. Laugh - did tons of boating and with a heavy boat/trailer backed down steep ramp perfectly good parking brake would barely hold sometimes,


mdaniel profile image

Jan 28, 2011, 6:36 PM

Post #15 of 15 (4948 views)
Re: Park brake on 1998 E-350 Sign In

Just a FYI:

The new brake shoes fixed my problem.


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